Welcome to Cat Poop Pie

Life can be amazingly beautiful, and excessively difficult, all in the same moment.  The blog, and supporting products, are designed to help you make sense of the tough stuff.
Taking the crap that life throws at us, and sweeting it up.

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Do Something Great

Welcome to Cat Poop Pie

As individuals, we only know what we know.  I am old.  I have spent much of my lifetime listening and learning how to take the hard things that life “offers,” and making the best of them.

In the stories and information that I post, I hope that you find something that might help you to shift perspective to a hopeful, joyful outlook.

Cat Poop Pie is kind of like the saying “make lemon aid from lemons.”  I just happen to have and love cats…many cats.



The products we offer

Endorsements Coming Soon…

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